Grant Policy

Scotter Parish Council is empowered under the Local Government Act 1972 to spend some of its money, subject to limits and regulations, on purposes that it considers to be ‘in the interests of, and will bring direct benefit to, their area, or any part of it, or all or some of its inhabitants’.

Scotter Parish Council may at its discretion choose to do this via the awarding of grants. Applications for grants must be submitted on the official application form. On receipt of the application form, subject to statutory guidelines, the application will be added to the agenda for the following meeting of the Parish Council.


General Criteria for Awarding of Grants – All Applicants

1. The application must relate to some specific form of capital expenditure or project, and not to any regular item, or maintenance, or other revenue item such as utility or staffing costs.

2. The purpose for which the grant is requested must be in the interests of Scotter Parish, or any part of it; or all or some of the inhabitants of Scotter Parish, with Scotter Parish being defined by the boundaries of the Parish.

3. Groups or organisations within the area of the Parish may apply. Those outside the Parish who can demonstrate direct benefit to the Parish may be eligible to apply.

4. No financial assistance can be given to individuals under this scheme.

5. No grant will be payable to, or for, any commercial venture or for private gain.

6. Retrospective applications will not be funded, i.e. where the expenditure on the project has been carried out or the event has taken place.

7. A copy of the most recent audited accounts and a current bank balance must accompany the application.

8. Any previous grant made to a group or organisation may be taken into account when considering a new application.

9. Preference will be given to projects which can be completed within one year of the funding being awarded.

10. Each application will be considered fairly on its merits and the amount of the grant will be at the discretion of Scotter Parish Council.

11. Recipients must agree to provide a report to Scotter Parish Council outlining how the grant has been spent; the report will be submitted ahead of the Annual Parish Meeting.

12. On completion of the project, the applicant must provide receipts of the agreed funding items. These shall be sent before the end of the financial year, otherwise funding must be returned to Scotter Parish Council.


Applications for Support for a Commemorative Event or Festival

1. The application must relate to a community event, a festival, or special event in commemoration and said event must be held within/or in the interests of Scotter Parish.

2. Preferably, the application should be for the support of specific identifiable elements of the event, rather than towards general running costs.