DRAFT January 2025 Minutes
Minutes of the meeting for Scotter Parish Council held on 20 January 2024, held at Scotter Village Hall.
Parish Councillors Present: Cllr Paul Boulton (Vice Chair), Cllr Dave Ward, Cllr David Green, Cllr Karen Ward, Cllr Rachel Hunter
Parish Councillors Absent: 1
Vacant Seats: 3
Quorum: 4
In attendance: K Mathieson – Clerk, 8 Members of Public, District Councillor Lesley Rollings
Public Participation
Cllr Boulton (Vice Chair) opened the meeting at 7.02pm
2501/1 Apologies for Absence.
Cllr Watson
2501/2 To receive dispensations or declarations of interest under the Localism Act 2011.
2501/3 To approve as a true record the Full Parish Council Meeting minutes held on 16 December 2024 and sign accordingly.
RESOLVED to accept the minutes as a true record and sign accordingly.
2501/4 To consider any co-option of new councillors.
One application received. RESOLVED to co-opt John Fardell to the position of councillor.
Cllr Fardell joined the meeting.
2501/5 Clerks Report and update on matters from the last meeting.
Clerk confirmed weekly park inspections are being carried out and risk assessments reviewed by the maintenance person, the ROSPA inspection is being worked through. The maintenance person has been asked to schedule a jet wash of all parks in the spring.
Facias on the cemetery garage require maintenance, quotes are being obtained.
A cemetery tree has a broken branch which is stuck in the tree, due to the height it will need removal by a tree specialist. Quotes are being obtained and clerk will proceed with the cheapest quote as an emergency measure and bring to next meeting for retrospective approval.
2501/6 Correspondence Items for noting.
LALC News letter circulated by email 15/01/2025
Speedwatch December SID figures and Charles Avenue traffic report – circulated by email 13/01/2025
RESOLVED to note the items.
2501/7 Flooding matters for discussion
RESOLVED to close the meeting at 7.07pm to allow members of the public to join the discussion.
Residents raised their concerns specifically that no progress with the flooding issue has been made. Residents advised that at the most recent flood incident on 6th January the 4th penstock gate was closed and the EA confirmed that this was due to it being broken. Residents questioned how long it had been broken for and why had the EA not fixed it when flooding was predicted. District Councillor Lesley Rollings gave review of WLDC and the Internal drainage boards endeavours on behalf of the village over the last 4 years and explained that the situation with the EA is unacceptable. She has asked the Chairman of WLDC to pose a question at the next county council meeting. Lincolnshire County Council are the lead flood authority and should be more involved in finding solutions and working with the EA. She will also speak to the MP and ask for his support.
The parish council confirmed they would offer support in any way they could.
RESOLVED to open the meeting at 7.54pm
2501/8 To review and consider responses to the following planning applications and any applications
that may have been received following the agenda being set.
Planning Application WL/2025/00008
Planning Application for Replacement of existing single garage with double garage and first floor storage. The Paddocks, Lindholme, Scotter, Gainsborough, DN21 3UR
RESOLVED to submit no comment.
2501/9 Speed watch update and review response from Lincolnshire Road Safety Partnership regarding a request for an additional mobile speed detector vehicle.
Response circulated by email on 08/01/2025
Response declined the request. NOTED
2501/10 To consider holding a balsam bashing project and schedule a date.
RESOLVED to proceed with a balsam bashing project, clerk to arrange the details and advertise for volunteers. Provisional dates agreed 11th & 18th May.
2501/11 To agree the budget considerations for the financial year 2025/26.
Clerk advised the tax base has been confirmed by WLDC and is slightly increased on last year allowing a slightly higher precept request without imposing an increase for residents.
RESOLVED to reduce community grant budget to £7000 and move £1500 to events budget. Precept request agreed at £73466.92
2501/12 Finance update and payments.
a.) Approve Parish Council Current Account payment schedule/bank reconciliation for the period of 01/12/2024 – 31/12/2024
Supplier |
Description |
Gross |
Bank |
Giff Gaff |
Mobile Phone |
8.00 |
27/12/24 |
Microsoft |
IT Subscription |
21.72 |
30/12/24 |
S Smith & Co Accountant |
Payroll |
18.00 |
23/12/24 |
Rilmac Insulation Ltd |
Asbestos Survey |
288.00 |
09/12/24 |
Rilmac Insulation Ltd |
Asbestos removal |
690.00 |
09/12/24 |
K Mathieson |
Wages |
1,085.72 |
23/12/24 |
Instant Ink |
Ink Subscription |
5.49 |
17/12/24 |
Annual Membership |
183.00 |
09/12/24 |
Pension |
456.11 |
09/12/24 |
P wood Ind Services |
War memorial repairs |
325.00 |
19/12/24 |
Scotter Village Hall |
Office Rental |
650.00 |
19/12/24 |
Cutting Edge Services |
Grounds Maintenance |
891.00 |
19/12/24 |
Cutting Edge Services |
Grounds Maintenance |
374.00 |
23/12/24 |
Marmax Recycled Products |
Benches x 3 |
1,274.40 |
09/12/24 |
Marmax Recycled Products |
Bench - Granary Fold |
424.80 |
09/12/24 |
Wybone Ltd |
Bins X2 |
915.55 |
03/12/24 |
Wave |
Water Bill Cemetery |
20.24 |
19/12/24 |
Wave |
Water Bill Allotments |
18.30 |
19/12/24 |
Amazon 1 |
Plants |
14.95 |
04/12/24 |
Amazon 1 |
Plants |
14.08 |
04/12/24 |
Amazon 1 |
Plants |
14.99 |
05/12/24 |
Oliwier Online Ltd |
Plants |
39.32 |
05/12/24 |
Amazon 1 |
Batteries |
3.98 |
11/12/24 |
Humphreys Garden Ltd |
Plants |
12.49 |
05/12/24 |
7749.14 |
TOTAL 7749.14
Received |
Received |
Description |
Amount |
27/12/24 |
Tenant |
Rental Income - Constable |
780.50 |
10/12/24 |
Adjustment to Large Village Grant |
109.01 |
889.51 |
TOTAL 889.51
Start Balance £ 46,219.50
Receipts £ 889.51
Payments £ 7,749.14
End Balance £ 39,359.87
b.) Confirm Bank Balance and Statements as at 31/12/2024
Co-operative Bank Account - Current – balance £39,359.87
Co-operative Bank Account - Ear Marked Reserve – balance £188,431.98
Co-operative Bank Account - General Reserve – balance £15,224.72
c) Payment for approval
Scotter War Memorial & Playing Fields - £152.86 MUGA electric
LALC Membership Fees for 25/26 - £624.34
LALC Training Scheme Fees for 25/26 - ££160 + VAT
RESOLVED to approve the bank reconciliation, agreed bank balances and statements as seen by council. Approved payments.
2501/13 Urgent Highways or Maintenance Matters.
Clerk to find out when the 30mph speed limit on Messingham Road at the entrance to the village is to be extended.
2501/14 Agenda next meeting – to take any items for members.
Allotments, Parson’s update
2501/15 To review the date for April meeting and confirm date of next meeting – 17 February 2025.
RESOLVED for the meeting in April to be held on 14th and noted February meeting date.
Meeting closed 8.14pm.