October 2020 Agenda (5th)

Meeting of Scotter Parish Council on Monday 5 October 2020 Upon Rising of the Public Meeting at 6:15pm

 Proceedings will be held virtually via Zoom.


Meeting ID: 884 5589 9632 Passcode: 142279


Public participation - Members of the public may raise subjects, which they wish to bring to the attention of the Parish Council. Items relating to matters on the agenda will be taken first and any decisions will be made when the meeting is declared opened. The time will be restricted to 20 minutes maximum unless the council decides otherwise. Listeners should note that decisions cannot be made at this meeting on items not on the agenda.

2010/001 Apologies for Absence

2010/002 Declarations of interest (existence & nature) with regards to items on the Agenda. Note any dispensations given

2010/003 Approval of Full Parish Council Meeting minutes held on 21 September 2020

2010/004 District Councillors Report

2010/005 Chair’s Report

2010/006 Clerk’s Report

2010/007 PUBLIC ITEM - Permission to allow Nigel Woffindin to speak on Neighbourhood Watch and Rural Crime Impacts and Plans.

2010/008 Planning for Consideration:

a) 141625 - Planning application for the change of use of land from agriculture to the keeping of horses including the erection of a stable block and storage buildings being variation of condition 4 of planning permission 141318 grated 7 July 2020 - allow subletting of field and stables. Land Off Susworth Road Scotter Gainsborough DN21 3JN https://planning.west-lindsey.gov.uk/planning/details.asp?id=141625&nb=1#content

b) 141690, Planning application to erect detached double garage, 53 Gainsborough Road Scotter Gainsborough DN21 3RU https://planning.west-lindsey.gov.uk/planning/details.asp?id=141690&nb=1#content

2010/009 Planning for Noting - No Items

2010/010 Finance update and payments:

a) Parish Account payment schedule as attached

b) Confirm Bank Balance and Statements seen by council

2010/011 Correspondence or Items for noting

2010/012 Correspondence or Items for action / discussion:

a) To approve the advertisement of Clerk Vacancy

b) To agree Interview Panel Members, Shortlisting and Interview date – Clerk Vacancy

c) To approve Co-option notice to 1 Parish Council Vacancy

d) To approve draft Grants Policy

e) To approve the establishment of a local Flooding Group and members

f) To approve the establishment of a Community Highways Group and members

g) To approve the purchase of new bin for Village Person

h) To approve supplier / purchases of Community Christmas Trees

i) To approve purchases of Remembrance Day Parish Council Wreath

2010/013 Sub Groups, Community Clubs and Associations Items for Update or Discussion:

a) Drainage and Riverside

b) Community Speed Watch

c) Village Hall

d) Scotter Forward

e) Scotter Football Club

f) Scotter Pre-school

g) Eau Centre and Scotter Library

h) Bowls Club

i) Playing Fields Committee

j) Cemetery and Allotments

2010/014 Urgent Highways or Maintenance Matters

2010/015 Agenda next meeting – to take any items for members

2010/016 To Confirm Date of Next Meeting – 2 November 2020