October 2020 Agenda EOM (28th)

Extraordinary Meeting of Scotter Parish Council on Wednesday 28th October 2020 7:00pm 

Proceedings will be held virtually via Zoom.


Meeting ID: 899 5225 2912

Passcode: 993451


EX2010/001    Apologies for absence

EX2010/002    Declarations of interest (existence & nature) with regards to items on the Agenda. Note any dispensations given

EX2010/003    To allow Brian Brooks Internal Auditor to address council with summary of audit.

EX2010/004    To be notified and approve the Internal Audit report 2017/18, as previously circulated and determine any actions required.

EX2010/005    To review and approve the Annual Governance Statement 2017/18, AGAR Sect 1, as previously circulated.

EX2010/006    To approve the Accounting Statement 2017/18, AGAR Sect 2, as previously circulated

EX2010/007    Approval to Pay Outstanding charges of £816 - due to late submission of 2017/2018 AGARS

EX2010/008    To be notified and approve the Internal Audit report 2018/19, as previously circulated and determine any actions required

EX2010/009    To review and approve the Annual Governance Statement 2018/19, AGAR Sect 1, as previously circulated.

EX2010/010    To approve the Accounting Statement 2018/19, AGAR Sect 2, as previously circulated

EX2010/011    Approval to Pay Outstanding charges of £816 - due to late submission of 2018/2019 AGARS

EX2010/012    To be notified and approve the Internal Audit report 2019/20, as previously circulated and determine any actions required

EX2010/013    To review and approve the Annual Governance Statement 2019/20, AGAR Sect 1, as previously circulated.

EX2010/014    To approve the Accounting Statement 2019/20, AGAR Sect 2, as previously circulated

EC2010/015    Accounts and Payments for Approval

To approve payment B Brooks 2017/18 Internal Audit Fees £481.30

To approve payment B Brooks 2018/19 Internal Audit Fees £500

To approve payment B Brooks 2019/20 Internal Audit Fees £500

To approve Insurance Payment to BHIB – currently Overdue – Fee £1840.91