September 2020 Minutes EOM (28th)

Minutes of the Extraordinary Meeting of Scotter Parish Council held on 28 September 2020, held at Scotter Village Hall and virtually via Zoom

Approved Virtually – 09 November 2020

This meeting was recorded; you can watch it below. Scroll down to see the text minutes.


Parish Councillors Present: Cllrs Rev J Harper, M Armstrong, H Collins and Clerk R Reddin

District Cllrs Present: Cllrs Liz Clews, Cllr Mandy Snee. Cllr Lesley Rollings

In attendance: Members of Public 9

EX2010/001 Apologies for Absence Cllr P Wood

EX2010/002 Declarations of interest (existence & nature) with regards to items on the Agenda. Note any dispensations given None declared

EX2010/003 To allow Brian Brooks Internal Auditor to address council with summary of audit.

Brian Brooks updated that he was contacted by the Interim Clerk who expressed that the council was in need of some support, it was not until the preliminary meeting that the full extent of the circumstances was established. Looking into the documents that the clerk presented it became clear that the AGARs would require us to go back to 2017/2018. When looking for evidence Clerk could not locate any accounts / minutes, there are no financial regulations, policies or information on the website, which means that the council does not meet the Transparency Code. No mins prior to 17 /18 relating to approval of AGARS, unfortunately no governance of the council’s accountability for financial control has therefore been evidenced since 2017.

No ledgers located, clerk had to prepare accounts based on bank statements. Several documents are missing to match up to bank statements, cheques do not reconcile, blank cheques have been signed and subsequent payments cashed. Last VAT return was received in August 2017, but again no documentation to substantiate the payment. 17 payments unknown, 11 payments not located, 28 cheques incorrect with bank statements and/or invoices. Several outgoing grants and donations which have not been accounted for under section 137, as they are limited to grants and donations to a total of £5600. Standing order not reviewed since 2010 reviewed – this date was also the last time update of financial regs.

No record of internal control of public money. Mins and Agendas are missing pre 2017. Two committees - planning and playing field – no evidence of what spend was agreed. Risk management – unusual activity – gift voucher £250 made to a retiring employee – council should be aware that it is Illegal to pay any money to an individual. No annual risk assessments carried out – no list of assets pre carried forward £160,634 – no doc located to substantiate that figure – the asset should had risk assessment and figure should relate to what the council insurance is – at cost as property can depreciate. No signed minutes located. 

Since employees come under employment regulations cannot comment on this but this council has been made aware in sections 5 and 6 of the checklists of issues which cannot discuss in public. Bank reconciliation – no evidence of monthly checks received and approved. All Councillors should follow a code of conduct last copy located is dated Oct 2012.

Burial Clerk duties– large inconsistencies and statutory duties not met for cemetery and burial management and regulations. In additional these should also be audited annually. Cemetery fees not updated since 2010.

In conclusion Scotter Parish Council need to be fully aware of the extent of the situation and action plan to resolve.

Motion passed to open up the meeting to allow public to ask the Internal Auditor any questions – Resolved to Approve 19:16 meeting Closed 19:17 Meeting re-opened – no questions asked from public

EX2010/004 To be notified and approve the Internal Audit report 2017/18, as previously circulated and determine any actions required. Resolved to approve

EX2010/005 To review and approve the Annual Governance Statement 2017/18, AGAR Sect 1, as previously circulated. Resolved to approve

EX2010/006 To approve the Accounting Statement 2017/18, AGAR Sect 2, as previously circulated Resolved to approve EX2010/007 Approval to Pay Outstanding charges of £816 - due to late submission of 2017/2018 AGARS Resolved to approve

EX2010/008 To be notified and approve the Internal Audit report 2018/19, as previously circulated and determine any actions required Resolved to approve

EX2010/009 To review and approve the Annual Governance Statement 2018/19, AGAR Sect 1, as previously circulated. Resolved to approve

EX2010/010 To approve the Accounting Statement 2018/19, AGAR Sect 2, as previously circulated Resolved to approve

EX2010/011 Approval to Pay Outstanding charges of £816 - due to late submission of 2018/2019 AGARS Resolved to approve

EX2010/012 To be notified and approve the Internal Audit report 2019/20, as previously circulated and determine any actions required Resolved to approve

EX2010/013 To review and approve the Annual Governance Statement 2019/20, AGAR Sect 1, as previously circulated. Resolved to approve

EX2010/014 To approve the Accounting Statement 2019/20, AGAR Sect 2, as previously circulated Resolved to approve

EC2010/015 Accounts and Payments for Approval:

a) To approve payment B Brooks 2017/18 Internal Audit Fees £481.30 – Resolved to Approve

b) To approve payment B Brooks 2018/19 Internal Audit Fees £500 – Resolved to Approve

c) To approve payment B Brooks 2019/20 Internal Audit Fees £500 – Resolved to Approve

d) To approve Insurance Payment to BHIB – currently Overdue – Fee £1840.91 – Resolved to Approve

Cllr Harper duly closed the meeting at19.55 meeting