September 2020 Minutes (21st)

Meeting of Scotter Parish Council held on Monday 21 September 2020, held at Scotter Village Hall and virtually via Zoom


Parish Councillors Present: Cllrs Rev J Harper, M Armstrong, H Collins

District Cllrs Present: Cllrs Liz Clews, Cllr Mandy Snee. Cllr Lesley Rollings

In attendance: Members of Public 3

Public Participation

Public Member 1 – wished to raise issue of rural crime, it was commented that police do not prioritise the community of Scotterthorpe any reports submitted are not taken as a priority – request for future discussion item. Second point was the on the topic of traffic calming, it was requested if the Parish Council would support idea to reduce the speed limit through Scotterthorpe to 20 MPH.

Public Member 2 – At a previous Parish Council meeting the topic of a Community Speed watch group was discussed – are there plan for the parish Council to Progress with this initiative? District Cllrs Lesley Rollings commented on how speeding problems are a real concerns across whole of West Lindsey and ensured that she is actively campaigning for improvements. Cllr Rollings suggested that all neighbouring Councils should combine their efforts with the community spped watch programme to drive improvements across a wider region. Agenda item request for next meeting work with other Parish Councils to apply pressure to the relevant authorites. The District Councillors also updated that they have been supporting the Parish Council in moving forward a Climate change group in West Lindsey. Due to the long term issue with flooding and drainage issues surrounding local villages the Scunthorpe and Gainsborough drainage board members need to be more actively involved in the downstream maintenance / improvements of the River Eau. It was also suggested to the Parish Council that they look into devising a local flood group. Another big issue at moment is fly tipping this seems to be due to COVID restrictions at the recycling centres.

19:39 Opened meeting

2009/001 Apologies for Absence Cllr P Wood

2009/002 Declarations of interest (existence & nature) with regards to items on the Agenda. Note any dispensations given Cllr Harper - 2009/015 b) and any matters arising pertaining to Scotter Forward and Scotter Library

2009/003 Approval of Full Parish Council Meeting minutes held on 30 July 2020 Resolved to approve with proposed amendment to detail that a site visit was conducted in relation to item - Proposal to purchase Parish Council land.

2009/004 Chair’s update to Public regarding recent Council business and future proceedings

Cllr Harper updated that the Parish Council has undergone a number of changes, the current chair and council are working as efficiently as possible to resolve outstanding matters with the interim Clerk and support from West Lindsey District Council. The Council appreciate that this will be a difficult period of time for local clubs, businesses and residents that may have a outstanding issues and/or payments, we encourage anyone seeking action on outstanding issues put this in writing to the clerk and the council will endeavour to address these matters. Cllr Harper requested that should anyone have any concerns about how the council has been managed over the past few years then please place concerns in writing and send to West Lindsey District Council’s Monitoring Officer Alan Robinson. Committed to rebuilding trust for local community

2009/005 Chair’s Report

Cllr Harper updated on the following action, appointments and meetings attended: 19 August 2020 made contact with PKF Littlejohn National Auditor request extension to audit which has been granted. 03 September 2020 – Attended a Zoom meeting Laughton Parish Council and the Wesl Lindsey District Council Monitoring officer to discuss matters relating recent changes in adminstartion for both Parishes and findings of Lincolnshire County internal audit. Cllr Harper has also attended a 3 hour online training session conducted by LALC – Cllr Harper highly recommended this training to current councillors. 14 September 2020 met onsite with Erica from the Environment Agency to discussing flooding issues and the River Eau. Chairs Report – Resolved to Approve

2009/006 Clerk’s Report Resolved to Approve

2009/007 Endorse Appointment of B Brooks Internal Auditor

Clerk updated that due to assist in the submission to National Audit Office PKF Littlejohn B Brooks Internal auditor has been instructed to support in the preparation for submission. Resolved to Approved

2009/008 To receive preliminary report for consideration Internal Audit. Resolved to Approve

2009/009 For Decision - Public Interest Report: Failure to submit an Annual Governance & Accountability Return (AGAR) for the year ending 31 March 2019

Chair updated that since the departure of the previous clerk it has since become known that the Parish Council has received correspondence received from PKF Littlejohn 2018/2019 detailed that the Parish Council has failed to submit the 2018/2019 financial accounts to the national audit office – details of the noticed can be viewed as follows: Scotter Parish Council is required by law to prepare an AGAR:summarising its financial position; and giving assurances that it has adequate governance arrangements to protect public funds. At the time of notice to Council on 16 October 2019 – the Chairman should have called a public meeting as the authority is responsible for the use of funds raised by local taxation, and should properly account for how it has used and protected those funds. Resolved to Approved – Public meeting to be held at 6.15pm prior to next Parish Council Meeting on 5 October

2020 2009/010 Planning for Consideration:

a) 141468 - Outline planning application to erect 4no. chalet bungalows with access and layout to be considered and not reserved for subsequent applications. Land Adjacent To Ponderosa Gainsborough Road Scotter Resolved that council will submit for comments for consideration to ensure that all Highway Concerns are addressed in relation to the their submission on the planning portal and that all matters relating to the Humberside Fire and Rescue access concerns are resolved prior to any permission being granted.

b) 14147 - Planning application to erect 1no. detached chalet bungalow. Land to rear of 2 Gravel Pit Road Scotter Gainsborough DN21 3SP Resolved – Council to submit comments to request that the land is tested and surveyed in depth prior to any permission being granted.

2009/011 Planning for Noting No Items

2009/012 Finance update and payments:

a) Parish Account payment schedule as attached - Resolved to Approve

b) Confirm Bank Balance and Statements seen by council No updates

2009/013 Correspondence or Items for noting: No Items

2009/014 Correspondence or Items for action / discussion:

a) To Approve new signatories to Co-Operative Bank Accounts and remove ex Councillors - Resolved to Approve – To add Clerk Rachael Reddin, Cllr Helen Collins, Cllr Rev Jon Harper and Cllr Paul Wood. Cllr Margaret Armstrong will remain as signatory to accounts Cllrs Jon Bullivent will be removed

b) To receive resignation letters from Cllr’s Bullivent and Day - Resolved to Approve

c) To approve meeting change of day -  Provisionally agreed due to clerk meeting clash to move to 1st Monday of the month commencing 5th Oct.

d) To Approve New Standing Orders - Resolved to Defer to future meeting.

e) To approve LALC Councillor Reduced Rate Training Offer. Chairman updated that LALC have a reduced rate for training £70 per year training package for full access to 31 March 2021. Resolved to approve

f) Cemetery Trees – Resident Concerns Resolved to Approve that a site visit to be arranged with residents.

g) Riverside – Concerns Cllr Collins updated on her concerns as a resident io the riverside that the autumn and winter months are drawing and already the is in a really bad state, it desperately needs cutting back, the overgrown debris and weeds. Cllr Collins asked if this is something that could be considered to be added to the grounds maintenance contracts At 20:39 Chairman Rev Harper closed the meeting to allow a member of the public to speak on this item. At 20:44 Chairman Rev Harper Reopened the meeting. Resolved to approved - Cllrs Collins and Wood to devise draft letter to be sent on behalf of Parish Council to the Environment Agency expressing the great concerns as residents of the high risk flood zones. Resolved to Approve - Re-establishment of a local Flood group – Suggested Representatives – Cllr Collins, Cllr Wood, Public Reps - John Coggon and Brian Gilchrist and also to request representation from the Environment Agency.

2009/015 Sub Groups, Community Clubs and Associations Items for Update or Discussion:

a) Village Hall – Cllr Collins updated that the new age curling, badminton and slimming world have recommenced, however due to COVID 19 the Village Hall are still not hiring for private parties and unfortunately Lizzie Dance will not be returning. Cllr Collins also reminded the Parish Council that rent for the office space has not been paid for two years and can this be acted upon asap. The Village Hall have also requested a Grant although Cllr Collins was unsure of the details – clerk requested the Cllr Collins advised the Village Hall to to re-send the documents for her attention and this will be loked into. Cllr Collins also agreed to be the be parish rep forfuture Village Hall Matterrs.

b) Scotter Forward – Cllr Harper was invited to a meeting held on 20 Aug 2020, minutes of have been received. Discussion was had in respect of the creation of a Parish Plan and looking at priorities for monies spent in the village over the next coming years.

c) Scotter Football Club – No Updates

d) Scotter Pre-school – No Update

e) Eau Centre and Scotter Library – Cllr Harper updated that the Library Re-opened 11 Sept for books to be returned and there are further plans to reopen for browsing this coming Thursday 24 September for browsing and to take books out. It was also noted that Scotter Library is only one of two community libraries that have opened. Sneeze screens have been installed and all COVID regulations are being followed.

f) Bowls Club – It was noted that the Bowls club may request to be part of the Council’s precept grants in 2021.

g) Playing Fields Committee – It was noted that there is a need to appoint council representation for this group in due course.

h) Cemetery – Clerk updated on cemetery matters

i) Allotments – No updates

2009/016 Urgent Highways or Maintenance Matters Resurfacing A159 commences on 12 October for 7 weeks – with a daytime road closure 8-5pm Monday - Friday Lincolnshire County Council have extended the speed limit reduction along Scotter Common Cllr Rollings reminded Cllrs and residents to make use of the Fix my Street App.

2009/017 Agenda next meeting – to take any items for members - Christmas Trees Wreath for Remembrance Day, Drainage and Community Speed watch groups

2009/018 To Confirm Date of Next Meeting – 5 October 2020 Public Meeting 6.15pm Upon Rising of Public Meeting (approx. 7:15pm)

Chairman Rev. Harper Duly closed the meeting to the Public at 21:07