December 2020 Minutes (7th)

This meeting was recorded, you can view the recording below the minutes on this page.

Minutes of the Full meeting of Scotter Parish Council held on 7th December 2020, virtually via Zoom               

Parish Councillors Present: Chairman – Cllr J Harper, Cllr P Wood, Cllr M Armstrong, Cllr B Kaila

District Cllrs Present: Cllr L Rollings, Cllr Snee, Cllr Clews

In attendance:  Clerk – Kyela Mathieson

11 members of the public


Public Participation

A resident spoke about his concerns and disappointment at the response from Lincolnshire County Council regarding the recycling centre facilities for Scotter Parish residents.

District Cllr Rollings suggested that the clerk write to LCC with the concerns raised, i.e climate change, multiple trips, fly tipping, booking system.  Chairman J Harper agreed upon this course of action.

Cllr Harper opened the meeting at 7.43pm


2012/06           Acceptance of Apologies for Absence

Cllr H Collins Sent apologies; Resolved to approve

2012/07           Dispensations – None received

2012/08           Declaration of Interest

Chairman J Harper Agenda item 16 c) Personal interest in EAU Community Centre

2012/09           Exclusion of Press and Public

Noting the councils authority should they choose to exclude press and public as per section 1(2) of the Public Bodies (Admissions to Meetings) Act 1960

2012/10           To accept the co-option of Mr Baljinder Kaila onto the council.  Witness and sign acceptance of office.

Resolved to approve.  Clerk signed acceptance form in meeting.

2012/11           To approve the draft minutes of the full parish council meeting held on Monday 9th November 2020

Resolved to approve subject to the amendment that Cllr H Collins and Cllr P Wood were recorded as present at the meeting and minuted item 2010/012 was noted as A Johns progressed to the 2nd round of voting and not M Powell.  Minutes signed virtually.

2012/12           District Councillors Report

Cllr Rollings advised of her continuing efforts to finding a solution for Scotter’s flooding issues.  She has a meeting scheduled for next week with various different agencies and will update with the outcome at the next meeting.  She congratulated Scotter residents and the Parish Council for the progress they are making with the speed watch scheme and hopes that this can be something that can move in a cross party way in the future.  She commented that members of the public can speak at a meeting should they wish to do so at the discretion of the council.

Cllr Clews reported on a resident of Holly Lodge Care Home that is raising money for activites, for the residents of the care home.  She will provide information for anyone that would like to support this worthy cause.

2012/13           Chairs Report

Chairman J Harper advised that the new Parish Council website will be live in the next few weeks and he is currently in the process of moving all the information across from the old site.  He has recently had discussions with Greg Oaks from the Environment Agency regarding the flooding, he remains hopeful that some changes will be made soon.  He is disappointed in the recent work the Environment Agency have done on clearing the river as they have left the weeds that have been removed at the side of the bank, which will just wash back into the river.

2012/14           Clerks Report

The new clerk introduced herself. An update was given on the banking, the council still does not have full access to their bank accounts but new mandates have been sent in.  The clerk has written to the HMRC requesting the councils VAT information. The clerk has had a great response from the facebook post asking allotment holders to get in touch.  After visiting the Scotterthorpe allotments security and fly tipping seem to be the main issues that need addressing.

2012/15           Planning for Noting

Planning application granted – Application Number 141645, 15 Gainsborough Road, Scotter, DN21 3RL.  First floor extension rear and side.  Resolved & Noted

Approval of reserved matters granted – Application Number 141098 Land rear 53 & 55 Gainsborough Road, Scotter DN21 3RU.  More information requested.  Resolved to revisit this agenda Item.

2012/16           Finance update and payments

Parish Account payment schedule as attached  - Resolved to approve

Receipts schedule as attached – Resolved to approve

Confirm Bank Balance and Statements seen by council – Resolve to approve


2012/17           To approve payments

Clerks Hours and wages for November as attached  - Resolved to approve

2012/18           Correspondence or items for noting

            List of emails forwarded for information purposes – Resolved to Noted

2012/19           Correspondence or items for action/discussion

Email request for Parsons Field to be used for Forrest School Activites

Resolved for the Clerk to write and ask for further information, is this to benefit the children and residents of Scotter Parish and is this to be run as a business and a charge made?

Email from Lincolnshire County Council, Highways and Asset Management Dept, Re: Parish Agreement Scheme

Clerk updated that upon investigation the Parish Council had not been included in the scheme despite many attempts over the last 3 years from LCC to include Scotter in the scheme and allocate the allowance for grass cutting, they did not receive a response from the Parish Council.  Under the circumstance LCC has agreed to pay the allowance for 2019/20 and 2020/21 in the sum of £3115.52  The information to claim the money can be sent once the VAT information has been received.

Resolved for the clerk to continue with the process and ensure LCC have the information requires to provide the money to Scotter Parish Council.

2012/20           To approve Financial Regulations

Resolved to defer this to the next meeting

2012/21           To receive grant application from

Scotter Bowls Club

Resolved to approve a grant of £1000 and allocate this amount in the 2021/22 budget

Scotter Pre School

Resolved to approve a grant of £570 and allocate this amount in the 2021/22 budget

EAU Community Centre

Chairman J Harper was removed from this discussion

Resolved to approve a grant of £1000 and allocate this amount in the 2021/22 budget

Scotter War Memorial Playing Fields Committee  - maintenance

Resolved to refuse this grant as it does not meet the criteria of the grants policy.  To be reconsidered and investigate the options once the grant for the new park has been resolved.

Scotter War Memorial Playing Fields Committee

Park Renovation

Councillors discussed and needed more information.  Richard Barwell offered to give a presentation of the project to council.

Resolved to defer this until after the presentation and add as an agenda item for January meeting

Transfer of maintenance of new park

Resolved to defer this until after the presentation and add as an agenda item for January meeting

2012/22           To agree who will represent the council at the Scotter War Memorial Playing Fields Committee Meetings

Resolved to defer, whilst the clerk seeks advice from LALC

2012/23           To discuss appointing an internal auditior for the period of 2020/2021

Resolved to approach B Brooks and if he has availability, he is to be appointed

2012/24           To approve funding and payment of Clerks membership to Society of Local Council Clerks £160 for the year.

Resolved to approve

2012/25           To receive quotations for PAYE and appoint an accountant.

Resolved to appoint S Smith & Co Accountants

2012/26           To receive an update on allotments and approve the purchase of a combination lock for Scotterthorpe Allotments up to the value of £20 

Clerk advised concerns were raised about security by tenants. 

Agreed that the clerk is to consult with the local neighbourhood watch officer for advice and the clerk is to find out if the cemetery gates are being locked at night.

2012/27           To approve the purchase of Arnold-Baker on Local Council Administration Book

Resolved to approve

2012/28           Agenda next meeting – to take any items from members

Footpath from Parsons Field to the muga.

Flooding Update



In view of the confidential nature of the business about to be transacted it is advisable in the public interest that the press and public are excluded and they are instructed to withdraw. (The Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960 Sec 1 (2))

Meeting moved into closed session

[Closed Session before meeting re-opened to public]

2012/33           To confirm Date of Next Meeting – 7pm on 19th January 2021

Resolved to approve

Meeting closed – 10.50pm