December 2024 Minutes
Minutes of the meeting for Scotter Parish Council held on 16 December 2024, held at Scotter Village Hall.
Parish Councillors Present: Cllr Paul Boulton (Vice Chair), Cllr Dave Ward, Cllr David Green, Cllr Karen Ward
Parish Councillors Absent: 2
Vacant Seats: 4
Quorum: 4
In attendance: K Mathieson – Clerk, 2 Members of Public,
Public Participation
Cllr Boulton (Vice Chair) opened the meeting at 7.06pm
2412/1 Apologies for Absence.
Cllr Watson and Cllr Hunter
2412/2 To receive dispensations or declarations of interest under the Localism Act 2011.
2412/3 To approve as a true record the Full Parish Council Meeting minutes held on 18 November 2024 and sign accordingly.
RESOLVED to accept the minutes as a true record and sign accordingly.
2412/4 Clerks Report and update on matters from the last meeting.
WLDC Large Village Grant updated – Benches ordered and received; bins ordered. WLDC confirmed due to the grant funding deadline they are unable to extend the funding to allow the cinema event to be rearranged in the spring.
2412/5 Correspondence Items for noting.
Lincolnshire Fire and Rescue, Emergency Planning Open Evening Invitation – circulated by email 18/11/2024
WLDC Parish News – Circulated by email 25/11/24
Let’s Talk Lincolnshire, County Views Engagement & Consultation - circulated by email 26/11/24
LCC Parish Council community Newsletter - circulated by email 27/11/2024
LALC News - Circulated by email 02/12/2024
RESOLVED to note the items.
2412/6 Correspondence for discussion and or action
a) Scotter Wheel Works. To accept the gift of £367.00 due to the group folding and consider the where the donation shall be allocated.
RESOLVED to allocate the full amount to Scotter War Memorial Playing Fields Committee to enhance the area for bikes at the bottom of the field.
b) Resident email circulated on 02/12/24 requesting a Christmas tree on The Green.
RESOLVED for clerk to investigate the cost involved and feasibility of battery lighting.
2412/7 To discuss budget considerations for the financial year 2025/26.
RESOLVED to agree the budget in principle with a zero increase in precept but bring back to January meeting for final review.
2412/8 Speed Watch
a) Lincolnshire Road Safety Partnership, results of Archer Survey – circulated by email 06/10/24
Following discussion RESOLVED for clerk to contact LRSP and request consideration be given to other sites for the mobile speed van.
b) Request for new property purchases in line with the budget.
RESOLVED to agree purchase of new Hi-vis Jackets, speed signs and batteries.
2412/9 To receive and update on the break in at the cemetery garage and consider any actions required.
Clerk advised of the damage caused and the items stolen and confirmed that the incident had been reported to the police. Due to the value of the items stolen and the insurance excess it was advised that an insurance claim was not recommended.
Update noted. RESOLVED no further action required.
2412/10 To consider purchase of memorial bench for siting between the flower planters at The Green.
RESOLVED to purchase the David Ogilvie ‘Lest we forget’ memorial bench and agreed it is to be positioned between the planters.
2412/11 To review public consultation report.
RESOLVED for Cllr Green to liaise with the playing fields committee and community forum to consider a long term plan.
2412/12 Finance update and payments.
a.) Approve Parish Council Current Account payment schedule/bank reconciliation for the period of 01/11/2024 – 30/11/2024
Current 27/11/24 Giff Gaff 8.00 Telephone
Current 06/11/24 Microsoft 21.72 IT Support
Current 28/11/24 Microsoft 21.72 IT Support
Current 01/11/24 S Smith & Co Accountant 51.00 Audit/Accountancy
Current 23/10/24 Clear Councils 1,448.14 Insurance
Current 27/11/24 LALC 87.00 Training - Staff
Current 25/11/24 Helping Hands 966.00 Grass Verge Cutting/Contract
Current 27/11/24 K Mathieson 1,281.33 Salaries
Current 21/11/24 Instant Ink 5.49 Stationary & Printing
Current 13/11/24 LPF 346.96 Pension
Current 21/11/24 Lincolnshire County Council Grass Cutting Contribution 4,066.90
Current 29/11/24 Robertson Memorials Memorial Application 80.00
Current 27/11/24 Scotter Wheelworks Gift 367.00
Current 26/11/24 Northern Power Ltd Wayleave 12.20
Start Balance £ 45,930.76
Receipts £ 4,526.10
Payments £ 4,237.36
End Balance £ 46,219.50
b.) Confirm Bank Balance and Statements as at 30/11/2024
Co-operative Bank Account - Current – balance £46,219.50
Co-operative Bank Account - Ear Marked Reserve – balance £188,431.98
Co-operative Bank Account - General Reserve – balance £15,224.72
c.) Payments for retrospective approval
06/11/24 Microsoft IT Subscription 21.72 IT Support 06/11/24
28/11/24 Microsoft IT Subscription 21.72 IT Support 28/11/24
27/11/24 Rilmac Asbestos removal 575.00 General Expenses 09/12/24
27/11/24 LALC H & S Training 87.00 Training - Staff 28/11/24
25/11/24 Helping Hands Grass Cutting & Hedges 966.00 Grass Verge Cutting/Contract 28/11/24
27/11/24 K Mathieson Wages 1,281.33 Salaries 28/11/24
21/11/24 Instant Ink Ink Subscription 5.49 Stationary & Printing 21/11/24
SLCC Annual Membership 183.00 Subscriptions & Memberships 09/12/24
13/11/24 LPF Pension 346.96 Pension 21/11/24
13/12/24 LPF Pension 456.11 Pension 09/12/24
09/12/24 Marmax Recycled Products Benches x 3 1,274.40 WLDC Large Village 09/12/24
09/12/24 Marmax Recycled Products Bench - Granary Fold 424.80 Street Furniture 09/12/24
03/12/24 Wybone Ltd Bins X2 915.55 WLDC Large Village 03/12/24
d) Payment for approval
Scotter Village Hall – Office Hire 6 months £650.00
P Wood Independent Services – War Memorial work £325.00
RESOLVED to approve the bank reconciliation, agreed bank balances and statements as seen by council. Approved payments.
2411/13 Urgent Highways or Maintenance Matters.
Cllr Green to check on progress of fallen tree at Clay Lane.
2411/14 Agenda next meeting – to take any items for members.
Co-option. Budget.
2411/15 To Confirm Date of Next Meeting – Next meeting 20th January 2025.
Meeting closed 8.10pm.