September 2024 Minutes
Minutes of the meeting for Scotter Parish Council held on 16 September 2024, held at Scotter Village Hall.
Parish Councillors Present: Cllr Kevin Watson (Chair), Cllr Dave Ward, Cllr P Boulton, Cllr D Green
Parish Councillors Absent: 3
Vacant Seats: 3
Quorum: 4
In attendance: K Mathieson – Clerk, 2 Members of Public,
Public Participation
Chair of Playing Fields Committee advised that the summer play scheme was a success and they are planning to run it again. They have arranged for the same company to provide youth club style activities weekly on Monday nights. Hopefully this will be well supported as it was one of the areas identified in the recent public consultation.
Cllr Watson (Chair) opened the meeting at 7.07pm
2409/1 Apologies for Absence.
Cllr Wotherspoon and Cllr Hunter
2409/2 To receive dispensations or declarations of interest under the Localism Act 2011.
2409/3 To approve as a true record the Full Parish Council Meeting minutes held on 15 July 2024 and sign accordingly.
RESOLVED to accept the minutes as a true record and sign accordingly.
2409/4 To consider candidates for co-option.
RESOLVED to co-op Karen Ward. Cllr K Ward joined the meeting.
2409/5 Clerks Report and update on matters from the last meeting.
Pot holes at Riverside have been reported and already repaired.
Lincolnshire County Council highways department advised the white posts that have been fitted on the corner of Northmoor Road and Messingham Road were fitted in without due consideration for the aesthetic of the village. They are going to be replaced for something more appropriate.
2409/6 Correspondence Items for noting.
LCC Public Rights Of Way Cutting Schedule – circulated by email 22/07/24 & 04/09/24
NK Talk Planning Central Lincolnshire Design Code Parish/Town Council Events – circulated by email 22/07/24
Let Talk Lincolnshire, Anti Social Behaviour Survey - circulated by email 22/07/24
Safer Together News Letter - circulated by email 23/07/24
WLDC Parish Newsletter July & August – Circulated by email 29/07/24, 19/08/24
LALC enews – circulated by email 29/07/24, 19/08/24, 27/08/2024
LALC meeting agenda - circulated by email 28/08/2024
LCC Minerals and Waste Consultation update, Local Plan - circulated by email 31/07/24
NK Talk Planning - Central Lincolnshire Design Codes, Town/Parish Events – circ 19/08/24
LCC Town and parish Council Newsletter August 24 – circulated by email 27/08/24
WLDC – How to apply for a pension credit info - circulated by email 27/08/24
WLDC Notice of meetings - circulated by email 02/09/2024
Speed Watch – August Report – circulated by email 04/09/2024
LALC AGM meeting invite – circulated by email 04/09/2024
Network One, road closure The Green 03/10/24 to 24/10/24 Gas replacement works – circulated by email 09/09/2024
Lincolnshire Police, August update - circulated by email 09/09/2024
RESOLVED to note the items.
2409/7 Correspondence for discussion and or action
a) Letter from resident requesting support to submit a Traffic Regulation Order for yellow lines at Westcliffe Road and Scotton Road – circulated by email 29/07/24
RESOLVED not to support the request. Council feels this will not solve the problem and push parking at school time to other areas, without enforcement residents will still park on the yellow lines, previous requests at other locations have also been objected to.
b) Response from LCC re: Parish Councils request to extend the speed limit on Brigg Road circulated by email 07/08/24 and confirm response sent supporting the proposals.
2409/8 Policies for review
Circulated by email on 24/07/24
a) Dignity at Work, Bullying and Harassment
b) Grievance Policy
c) Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Policy
d) Disciplinary Policy
e) Privacy Policy
f) Data Protection Policy
g) Retention and Disposal Policy
h) Standing Orders – to consider additional wording under Section 26 Standing Orders Generally to include
‘ New councillors must attend the County Association New Councillor Training Course within 3 months of election or co-option. The Clerk will liaise with the councillor to make the arrangements, all cost will be paid by the Council or reimbursed accordingly.’
RESOLVED to approve a) to g) with no amendments. h) Standing Orders to include the proposed changed with the addition of new chair’s to attend chair training.
2409/9 To review any Flooding Update matters and to discuss Riverside ownership following information received from solicitors.
Council reviewed the information received from Scunthorpe and Gainsborough Management Board regarding the agreed planned works between them and the Environment Agency.
Council reviewed the information received from solicitors and Resolved for the Clerk to speak to the heritage group to see if there is any information about the Riverside ownership.
2409/10 To review current ear marked reserves and to consider the grant application received from Scotter Pre-School deferred from July’s meeting.
Grant application circulated by email – 10/07/24
Reserves report attached.
Meeting closed at 7:40pm and reopened at 7:51pm to allow a member of public to speak.
RESOLVED to reallocate £100,000 from flood alleviation to the new pre-school building project.
Clerk advised council that the application form was received from Scotter Pre-School but the extension would be owned by the Village Hall Committee and therefore the Village Hall Committee would be the recipient of the grant. AGREED
2409/11 To review the Annual Governance and Accountability Return conclusion.
RESOLVED to accept the conclusion.
2409/12 To receive a quote for asbestos testing at Scotterthorpe Allotments and give retrospective approval.
RESOLVED to approve.
2409/13 Cinema Event Update.
Clerk advised that the cinema hire company had cancelled with a weeks notice and in consultation with the Chair the event has been cancelled.
2409/14 To approve emergency pest control measures actioned by the clerk.
RESOLVED to approve and authority given to the clerk pay invoices.
2409/15 Finance update and payments.
a.) Approve Parish Council Current Account payment schedule/bank reconciliation for the period of 01/07/2024 – 31/08/2024
Supplier |
Description |
Net |
Gross |
Date |
Scunthorpe & Gainsborough Water Management Board |
Drainage Rates - Allotments |
8.38 |
8.38 |
04/07/24 |
Scotter Village Hall |
Office Rental |
650.00 |
650.00 |
23/07/24 |
Lincolnshire Tree Services |
Tree Work |
3,690.00 |
738.00 |
4,428.00 |
25/07/24 |
Scotter Memorial Playing Fields |
MUGA Electric |
155.68 |
155.68 |
23/07/24 |
Antony Shaw |
IT/Accounts Support |
10.00 |
10.00 |
23/07/24 |
Cherry Bomb Face Painting |
Face painter |
260.00 |
260.00 |
25/07/24 |
Cutting Edge Services |
Grounds Maintenance |
1,298.00 |
1,298.00 |
23/07/24 |
Microsoft |
IT Subscription |
18.10 |
3.62 |
21.72 |
08/07/24 |
Millfield Farm Nursery |
Plants |
288.00 |
288.00 |
23/07/24 |
S Smith & Co Accountant |
Payroll |
15.00 |
3.00 |
18.00 |
04/07/24 |
Pension |
108.00 |
108.00 |
04/07/24 |
Pension |
346.96 |
346.96 |
04/07/24 |
B K Brooks |
Audit Fees |
400.00 |
400.00 |
04/07/24 |
Land Registry |
Land registry search |
6.00 |
6.00 |
05/07/24 |
Instant Ink |
Ink Subscription |
4.57 |
0.92 |
5.49 |
22/07/24 |
S Smith & Co Accountant |
Payroll |
15.00 |
3.00 |
18.00 |
23/07/24 |
Brian Gilchrist |
Speed watch Mileage |
23.40 |
23.40 |
23/07/24 |
Wages |
112.92 |
112.92 |
24/07/24 |
Giff Gaff |
Mobile Phone |
6.67 |
1.33 |
8.00 |
29/07/24 |
K Mathieson |
Wages |
1,045.00 |
1,045.00 |
28/07/24 |
Helping Hands |
Grass Cutting |
6,304.00 |
6,304.00 |
29/07/24 |
Tesco |
Paper |
4.96 |
0.99 |
5.95 |
06/08/24 |
Pension |
238.96 |
238.96 |
13/08/24 |
Cutting Edge Services |
Grounds Maintenance |
1,166.00 |
1,166.00 |
13/08/24 |
Amazon 1 |
Laminator Pockets |
6.62 |
1.32 |
7.94 |
28/08/24 |
Microsoft |
IT Subscription |
18.10 |
3.62 |
21.72 |
06/08/24 |
Instant Ink |
Ink Subscription |
4.57 |
0.92 |
5.49 |
20/08/24 |
Giff Gaff |
Mobile Phone |
6.67 |
1.33 |
8.00 |
27/08/24 |
Date |
Description |
Amount |
Method |
11/07/24 |
Allotment |
10.00 |
bacs |
24/07/24 |
Rental Income - Constable |
780.50 |
bacs |
04/07/24 |
Interment Fee |
250.00 |
bacs |
02/08/24 |
Memorial Application |
80.00 |
bacs |
09/08/24 |
Memorial Application |
80.00 |
bacs |
Start Balance £ 96103.89
Receipts £ 1200.50
Payments £ 36364.61
End Balance £ 60939.78
b.) Confirm Bank Balance and Statements as at 31/08/2024
Co-operative Bank Account - Current – balance £60,939.78
Co-operative Bank Account - Ear Marked Reserve – balance £187,021.93
Co-operative Bank Account - General Reserve – balance £15,102.35
c.) Payments for approval
Supplier |
Description |
Net |
PKF Littlejohn LLP |
Audit Fees |
420.00 |
84.00 |
K Mathieson |
Wages |
1,045.20 |
Pension |
238.96 |
S Smith & Co Accountant |
Payroll |
15.00 |
3.00 |
Website Support |
90.00 |
18.00 |
Lincoln Diocesan Trust |
Parsons Rent |
11.00 |
ROSPA Playsafety LTD |
Annual Park Inspection |
312.00 |
62.40 |
Antony Shaw |
IT/Accounts Support |
20.00 |
Cutting Edge Services |
Grounds Maintenance |
1,122.00 |
L Brewster |
Susworth Notice Board Rent up to 31/03/26 |
4.00 |
Scotter War Memorial Playing Field Association |
Approved Community grant |
6,000.00 |
RESOLVED to approve the bank reconciliation, agreed bank balances and statements as seen by council. Approved payments.
2409/16 Urgent Highways or Maintenance Matters.
a)Email received from a resident regarding a fallen tree at Clay Lane and when this is going to be removed. Clerk advised that the tree had been reported to Lincolnshire County Council via Fix My Street and they had confirmed the tree was not on land they are responsible for had contacted the land owner. RESOLVED for the clerk to push this matter back to Lincolnshire County Council.
b) Council asked if there was any money left in the plants budget for winter plants for the tubs. Clerk confirmed £138.35 balance. RESOLVED for the remainer of the budget to be spent on winter plants.
2409/17 Agenda next meeting – to take any items for members.
2409/18 To Confirm Date of Next Meeting – There will be no meeting in October due to the Clerks prolonged absence. Next meeting 18th November 2024.
In view of the confidential nature of the business about to be transacted it is advisable in the public interest that the press and public are excluded and they are instructed to withdraw. (The Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960 Sec 1 (2))
Meeting closed at 8:10pm and opened at 8:14pm for a comfort break.
2409/19 Review existing Grounds Maintenance Contract and consider renewal.
Council expressed how pleased they are with the services provided and RESOLVED to renew for a further 12 months.
2409/20 To review and confirm solicitors advice in respect of the purchase of Parson’s Field.
Correspondence circulated by email on 10/07/24.
RESOLVED to proceed. If the 80 year covenant can’t be reduced via negotiation, proceed as originally proposed.
2409/21 To review the existing license for Constable land with consideration to be given to rental income and a physical inspection. Approve remedial measures for the gate post.
RESOLVED for Cllr Boulton to carry out an inspection of the area and liaise with the maintenance contractor to investigate getting the get the gate post fixed.
Meeting closed 8.32pm.