July 2024 Minutes

Minutes of the meeting for Scotter Parish Council held on 15 July 2024, held at Scotter Village Hall.

Parish Councillors Present: Cllr Kevin Watson (Chair), Cllr Dave Ward, Cllr Rachel Hunter, Cllr P Boulton

Parish Councillors Absent: 4

Vacant Seats: 2

Quorum: 4

In attendance:  K Mathieson – Clerk,  4 Members of Public, 

Public Participation

Chair of Playing Fields Committee advised they have 10 days holiday camp arranged over the summer holidays with an external company at £12 per day.  They are hoping to get the volleyball nets up over the summer also.

Preschool confirmed they had raised £22,000 towards the new building project since Christmas.

Village Hall Committee are having a clean up day on 17th August and would appreciate any volunteers.

Speedwatch have been getting out more recently but are down to 5 members, ideally they need 6.

Cllr Watson (Chair) opened the meeting at 7.06pm

2407/1 Apologies for Absence.

Cllr Wotherspoon and Cllr Kaila

2407/2  To receive dispensations or declarations of interest under the Localism Act 2011.


2407/3 To approve as a true record the Full Parish Council Meeting minutes held on 17 June 2024 and sign accordingly.

RESOLVED to accept the minutes as a true record and sign accordingly.

2407/4 Clerks Report and update on matters from the last meeting.

Defibrillator has been replaced and relocated to the front of the village hall.

Confirmation that the Himalayan Balsam has been found in Parsons, Clerk explained the process for controlling and will put a plan in place for next Spring. 

Confirmed letter sent to resident re: fly tipping in Parson’s Field.

Resident adjacent to the snicket into Parsons Field on Church Lane is arranging for the over hanging trees to be cut.

Complaint received regarding the maintenance of the cemetery driveway borders, response sent and concerns addressed.

Tree work is now complete.

ROSPA inspection booked for August.

2407/5 Correspondence Items for noting.

Lalc News – Circulated by email 17/06/24 and 01/07/24

Lalc Training Bulletin - Circulated by email 01/07/24

Scotter Junior Football Club Complaint letter - Circulated by email 18/06/24

Scotter Forward Classic Car Event Report - Circulated by email17/06/24

North Lincolnshire Council Local Plan, Gypsy and Traveller Site Consultation – Circulated by email 17/06/24

Moss Farm Open Day Invite – Circulated by email 18/06/24

Environment Agency, refurbishment of steps at Riverside – Circulated by email – 24/06/24

Lincolnshire County Council Town and Parish News – Circulated by email – 26/06/24

Scotter Community Forum, Summer Fayre Review - Circulated by email – 02/07/24

Scotter Village Hall Committee, minutes and agenda for next meeting - Circulated by email – 02/07/24

Lincolnshire Police, update and statistics for June – Circulated by email – 09/07/24

Speedwatch – SID reports for June – Circulated by email – 10/07/24

RESOLVED to note the items.


2407/6To review and consider responses to the following planning applications and any applications 

that may have been received following the agenda being set.

a) Planning Application – 146648

Land at Mill Hill House Gainsborough Road Scotter Gainsborough DN21 3RU

Outline planning application to erect 1no. single storey dwelling with access to be considered and not reserved for subsequent applications.

WLDC Planning Application 146648

RESOLVED to submit no comment.

b) Planning Application – WL/2024/00469

Rosedale 6A Cecil Close Scotter Gainsborough DN21 3SJ

Planning application to erect front porch

WLDC Planning Application WL/2024/00469

RESOLVED to submit no comment.

2407/7 To review the new model Financial Regulations and approve accordingly.

RESOLVED to approve.

2407/8 Flooding Update

Confirmation received of planed works and costs from Internal Drainage Board – Circulated by email 10/07/24

Flood Resilience Team, Section 19 Investigation started and information - Circulated by email 25/06/24

Meeting Closed at 7.19pm and re-opened at 7.23pm to allow members of the public to speak.

Resolved for the Clerk to ask for further detailed information regarding the planned works.


2407/9 To consider the grant application received from Scotter Pre-School.

Meeting closed at 7.28pm and re-opened at 7.35pm to allow members of the public to speak.

RESOLVED to defer until September’s meeting to allow for clerk to provide up to date Earmarked reserves figures and further details of the planned works for the River Eau.  

2407/10 To review and confirm solicitors advice in respect of the purchase of Parson’s Field.

RESOLVED to agree Heads of Terms and signed by the Chair accordingly.  Clerk to arrange a working group to discuss plans for Parson’s Field.  Working group to meet informally and bring all ideas to full council for consideration.  Working Group will not have any decision making/spending powers. 

2407/11 To receive an update from the Clerk on Scotterthorpe defibrillator.

Clerk advised that a resident has agreed to have the defibrillator sited on their wall and provide the cost of the electric and they will confirm this in writing.

RESOLVED for Clerk to confirm the terms in writing to the resident.  Devolved powers given to the Clerk to progress this matter to completion.

2407/12 To discuss MUGA floodlights issue and approve any action.

RESOLVED to get the electrical contractors that are familiar with the MUGA lights to fix the sensor.  Clerk devolved powers to see this matter to completion.

2407/13 To consider a councillors wats app group.

RESOLVED to set up a councillors wats app group on the parish council mobile phone.  Clerk to be the administrator, only to be used for reminders and urgent matters.  Councillors can choose not to be included in the group.

2407/14 Finance update and payments

a.) Approve Parish Council Current Account payment schedule/bank reconciliation for the period of 01/06/2024 – 30/06/2024



P Proctor




B Phillips




M Lindley





IT Subscription







Cutting Edge Services

Grounds Maintenance



Amazon 1

Fence Paint



Amazon 1

Grass Weed and Feed



Amazon 1

Grass Seed



Instant Ink

Ink Subscription



S Smith & Co Accountant




Marshall's Marquees

Marquee Hire




Water Bill




Water Bill



West Lindsey District Council

Defib Service Scheme



West Lindsey District Council

Defib Service Scheme



West Lindsey District Council

Defib Service Scheme



Giff Gaff

Mobile Phone



K Mathieson




Start Balance £ 99257.38

Receipts £     220.00

Payments £   3373.49

End Balance £ 96103.89

a.) Confirm Bank Balance and Statements as at 30/06/2024

Co-operative Bank Account  - Current – balance £96,103.89

Co-operative Bank Account  - Ear Marked Reserve – balance £167,626.93 

Co-operative Bank Account  - General Reserve – balance £15,102.35

b.) Payments for approval

Scotter Village Hall Office Rental £650
Lincolnshire Tree Services Tree Work £4428.00
Scotter Memorial Playing Fields MUGA Electric £155.68
Tony Shaw IT/Accounts Support £10.00
Cherry Bomb Face Painting Face painter £260.00
Cutting Edge Services Grounds Maintenance £1298.00

RESOLVED to approve the bank reconciliation, agreed bank balances and statements as seen by council.  Approved payments. 

2407/15 Urgent Highways or Maintenance Matters.

Clerk reported that suspected asbestos panels has been found at Scotterthorpe Allotments.  Clerk to cordon off the area as deal with this as an urgent health and safety matter. 

2407/16 Agenda next meeting – to take any items for members.

Pre-School Grant

Parson’s Update

2407/17 To Confirm Date of Next Meeting – 16th September 2024.


Meeting closed 7.58pm.