January 2021 Minutes

Minutes of the Full Council meeting of Scotter Parish Council held on 19th January 2021, held virtually via Zoom.

Parish Councillors Present: Cllr John Harper, Cllr Bali Kaila, Cllr Margaret Armstrong, Cllr Paul Wood

District Cllrs Present: Cllr Lesley Rollings, Cllr Clio Perraton-Williams. Apologies received from Cllr Mandy Smee and Cllr Liz Clews

In attendance: Kyela Mathieson – Clerk, 5 Members of public

Public Participation

Cllr Harper opened the meeting at 7.10pm and welcomed everyone.

2101/07 Acceptance of Apologies for Absence

None received

2101/08 Dispensations

None received

2101/09 Declarations of Interest

None received

2101/10 Resolved to approve the minutes from the following meetings

a) Pre budget meeting held on 7th December 2020

b) Full Parish Council Meeting minutes held on 7th December 2020

c) Extraordinary meeting held on 5th January 2021

Resolved to approved

Proposed Cllr Kaila, 2nd Cllr Armstrong, Vote – All agreed

2101/11 District Councillors Report

Moved to the end of the meeting

2101/12 Chairs Report

The chair gave thanks to Helen Collins for all her work and involvement with the parish council during her time as a councillor and sends best wished for her future.

The new parish council website is now up and running and we are continuing to add to it.

Discussion have taken place with the community centre and they have kindly agreed to open for residents in the event of flooding.
2101/13 Clerks Report
The bank accounts have now been updated and we have access, they are in the process of approving Cllr Kaila.
Many of the allotment holders have been in touch and all at Scotterthorpe allotments have been sent new tenancy agreements. We do still have plots that we don’t know who they belong to, a notice has been put up at the allotments so hopefully the remaining few will see it and get in touch.
Continuing to work through the cemetery records and get them up to date.
2101/14 Correspondence
a) Letter 07/12/2020 from Savills. On behalf of Lincoln Diocesan Trust. A contractor has been appointed to undertake the work following a previous tree survey at Parson’s Field. Work will be continuing till the end of January 2021. For information purposes – No action required.
b) Email from a resident dated 3rd December 2020. Copy forwarded to all councillors. Requesting consideration for a new walking path route following the river Eau between Scotter and Scotton.
Following discussions it was confirmed that the parish council don’t own any of the land that a footpath between the two villages would be on. It is all privately owned and would probably involve 4 or 5 different land owners. Therefore this is not a matter for Parish Council decision.
It was resolved that the clerk would contact Scotton Parish Council to see what there thoughts are on the request and then respond appropriately to the resident.
2101/15 To agree the request from Beverly Oliver to use Parson’s Field for Forrest School purposes.
Resolved to approve the request subject to confirmation all DBS checks are done, the appropriate insurance is in place, risk assessments are carried out and the dates of intended use are approved with the parish council
Proposed Cllr Kaila, 2nd Cllr Wood, Vote – All agreed.
2101/16 To approve Financial Regulation.
Resolved to approve
Proposed Cllr Harper, 2nd Cllr Armstrong, Vote – All agreed.
2101/17 To approve the annual budget for 2021-2022 and the precept request to West Lindsey District Council of £67640.13
Resolved to approve and ensure the budget is reviewed quarterly.
Proposed Cllr Kaila, 2nd Cllr Harper, Vote – All agreed.
2101/18 To agree to join the East Riding Pension Fund and continue pension contributions for the clerk as per the employment negotiations.
Resolved to approve
Proposed Cllr Harper, 2nd Cllr Wood, Vote – All agreed.
2101/19 Planning for Comment
New Application – 142209 2 Storey rear extension at Proudlea Farm, Main Street,
Scotterthorpe DN21 3JL
Planning viewed resolved to make no comment
Proposed Cllr Kaila, 2nd Cllr Wood, Vote – All agreed.
2101/20 Planning for Noting
a) New Application – 142090, To erect 3 new bungalows, Land adj to 12-14 High Street, Scotter DN21 3TW. Deadline date for comments of 5th January 2021 therefore to be noted.
b) New Application – 142012, To erect 2 new dwellings. Land at 26 Gainsborough Road, Scotter, DN21 3UB. Deadline date for comments of 29th December 2020 therefore to be noted.
c) Application 141856 – Single storey front extension, 1 Highfield Cottage, Kirton Road, Scotter, DN213JA. Planning permission granted
2101/21 Finance update and payments
a.) To note payments and receipts from 30th November 2020 to 29th December 2020
No Income was received for this period.
Resolved to note all payments- All agreed
b.) To approve bank reconciliation - Copy previously sent to all cllrs
Resolved to approve – All agreed
c.) To agree bank balances as at 29th December 2020
Co-operative Bank Account No 61038985 – balance £29,072.21
Co-operative Bank Account No 61797792 – balance £71,166.20
Co-operative Bank Account No 61797404 – balance £5,185.52
Resolved to agree – All agreed
2101/22 Payments to approve
Resolved to approve
Proposed Cllr Armstrong, 2nd Cllr Kaila, Vote – All agreed.
2101/23 To receive an up date on the current banking arrangements and decide on moving all accounts to Unity Trust Bank.
Subject to the bank charges being investigated, compared and approved by all cllrs it was resolved to approve the switch to Unity Trust Bank for their expertise in managing parish councils banking requirements.
Proposed Cllr Harper, 2nd Cllr Kaila, Vote – All agreed.
2101/24 To retrospectively agree Councillor Bali Kaila to represent the parish council at the SWMPFC meetings.
Resolved to agree
Proposed Cllr Harper, 2nd Cllr Wood, Vote – All agreed.
2101/25 To receive copies of plans and quotes for the proposed renovations of the children’s play park area by SWMPFC and to approve the grant payment of £10,000 as previously agreed.
Cllr Kaila gave a report from attending the last SWMPFC meeting and agreed to follow the progress of the project.
Resolved to approve
Proposed Cllr Harper, 2nd Cllr Kaila, Vote – All agreed.
2101/26 To receive an update on the Speed Watch Scheme from Brian Gilchrist and consider the purchase of electronic signage.
Brian confirmed the first static signs have been received and are ready to be put up. The SID speed indicator signs cost £2650 inc 2 mounting plates. The sign that incorporates data collection costs £3000 inc mounting plates. The license fee to mount hem on LCC poles cost £40. They are battery (rechargeable) operated which makes the more portable and can be moved to different roads throughout the village. Solar panel version are not as portable. Brian confirmed he his happy to have the responsibility and maintenance of the sign.
Resolved to purchase one data recording sign and 2 extra brackets at the cost of £3000
and pay the license fee of £40
Proposed Cllr Kaila, 2nd Cllr Wood, Vote – All agreed.
Brian confirmed he has 5 volunteers for the speed watch campaign so far and will be attending training with Lincolnshire Road Partnership. They require 2 signs, 1 gun and 6 high vis jackets totalling £450. Once purchased these will become Parish Council Assets
Resolved to purchase the required equipment noted above for the total cost of £450
Proposed Cllr Kaila, 2nd Cllr Harper, Vote – All agreed.
2101/27 To agree the renewal of the rental lease with Northern Powergrid for the substation at Scotter Cemetery, for a one off payment of £1500 and then a peppercorn rent thereafter.
Resolved to agree the renewal as offered by Northern Powergrid
Proposed Cllr Kaila, 2nd Cllr Harper, Vote – All agreed.
2101/11 Cont – District Councillor Report
District Cllr Rollings advised she is in ongoing talks and meetings with the Environment Agency and the Water Management Board regarding the ongoing flood issues. She will ensure we are notified when progress has been made. Following on from the speed watch update District Cllr Rollings advised that reducing speed will encourage active forms of transport which is a high priority for our area. To encourage more walking there is a website called ‘Widen My Path’ which the parish council and residents can look into. Suggestion for reducing the speed limit outside the school was made by Cllr Kaila and she confirmed she would support this initiative.
2101/28 Agenda next meeting – to take any items for members.
Update on SWMPFC from parish council representative.
20splenty Campaign.
2101/29 To Confirm Date of Next Meeting.
Date of next meeting Monday 15th February 2021 at 7.00pm
Meeting closed – 8.23 pm