August 2023 Minutes - Extra Ordinary Meeting

Minutes of the meeting for Scotter Parish Council held on 17 August 2023, held at Scotter Village Hall.

Parish Councillors Present: Cllr Kevin Watson - Chair, Cllr Paul Boulton, Cllr Dave Ward, Cllr David Green, Cllr Rachel Hunter, Cllr Ian Thomas, Cllr Colin Wotherspoon, 

Parish Councillors Absent: 2

In attendance:  K Mathieson – Clerk, 35 Members of Public, 

Public Participation

Due to the amount of people wanting to speak The Chair suspended standing orders to allow the extra time required.

Members of the public spoke for 1 hour expressing their thoughts and opinions regarding the unauthorised building of ramps in Parson’s Field/Wood.

Chair opened the meeting at 8.00pm

2308/1 Apologies for Absence.

Cllr B Kaila 

Apologies noted.

2308/2  To receive dispensations or declarations of interest under the Localism Act 2011.

No declarations of interest received and no dispensations given.

2308/3 To discuss options for the ramps in Parson’s Field/Wood and the legal ramifications.

Following discussion it was proposed and seconded

The ramps are to be no longer used, removed and filled in.

Motion voted and not successful.

The Clerk confirmed insurers had been contacted and they advised that as the ramps were not designed and constructed to any specification or installed by a professional contractor the Parish Council would be liable for any accident or injury that occurred.

Standing Orders suspended, meeting closed at 8.20pm and reopened at 8.24pm to allow members of the public to speak.

Following further discussion it was proposed, seconded and

Resolved The Parish Council will comply with the wishes of insurers to continue to keep the area safe and will work with community to investigate options for the future.

Meeting closed 8.28pm.